Spiel mit höchstens kleinen Gebrauchsspuren. Spiel wurde gereinigt und funktioniert einwandfrei.
Länge: 14cm
Breite: 12cm
Höhe: 2cm
Gewicht: 105g
AnzahlSpieler: 1
Erscheinungsjahr: 1990
Genre: Kampfspiele
Herausgeber: Konami
Herstellergarantie: Keine
Herstellernummer: NichtZutreffend
Kompatibelmit: NichtZutreffend
Lagerort: Hauptlager
Marke: Markenlos
MitGebrauchsanleitung: Nein
Multiplayer: Nein
OnlineSpielbar: Nein
Plattform: NES
Regionalcode: PAL
Regionalcode-Detail: PALB
Spielname: N/A
Sport-Subgenre: NichtZutreffend
USK-Einstufung: USK0
The gameplay is a unique mixture of beat-em-up and action platformer. Taking some cues from Double Dragon and Konami's own Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games, and combining it with speedy momentum-based movement, isometric platforming, and Konami's own brand of tricks and traps. Ultimately it can be described as a beat-em-up action platformer on wheels.
In some ways RollerGames is the sister game to another Konami release heavily adapted from an external source: Skate or Die: Bad 'N Rad on the Game Boy. Similarly based on an existing property (in this case Electronic Arts' Skate or Die series of games, which Konami published on the NES), like RollerGames it deviated from its source material so much as to be basically a unique property. Bad n' Rad is a sort of racing action platformer, and has a very similar setting and feel to RollerGames. (Quelle: hardcoregaming101.net)
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