Minimale Gebrauchsspuren an OVP, Anleitung oder Spiel vorhanden.
Länge: 19cm
Breite: 13cm
Höhe: 3cm
Gewicht: 200g
AnzahlSpieler: 1
Erscheinungsjahr: 1992
Genre: JumpnRun
Herausgeber: Nintendo
Herstellergarantie: Keine
Herstellernummer: NichtZutreffend
Kompatibelmit: NichtZutreffend
Lagerort: Schlafzimmer
Marke: Markenlos
MitGebrauchsanleitung: Ja
Multiplayer: Nein
OnlineSpielbar: Nein
Plattform: NES
Regionalcode: PAL
Regionalcode-Detail: PALB
Spielname: N/A
Sport-Subgenre: NichtZutreffend
USK-Einstufung: USK0
Kabuki Quantum Fighter is a 2D action platformer video game developed by Human Entertainment and published by the defunct American publishing arm of HAL Laboratory for the Nintendo Entertainment System. It was originally released on December 21, 1990, in Japan and was released in January 1991 for the North American market before being released in Europe on February 20, 1992.
The field is generally side-scrolling, with a single room with a boss at the end of each level. Connor uses his long hair and chip-based weaponry to attack enemies inside the computer. The chip-weaponry includes the Fusion Gun, and Remote-Controlled Bolo - which are copied techniques he acquires from each boss that the defeats. (Quelle: Wikipedia)
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