Grössere Gebrauchsspuren an OVP oder Spiel vorhanden.
Länge: 15cm
Breite: 13cm
Höhe: 3cm
Gewicht: 170g
AnzahlSpieler: 1
Erscheinungsjahr: 1988
Genre: Shooter
Herausgeber: Nintendo
Herstellergarantie: Keine
Herstellernummer: NichtZutreffend
Kompatibelmit: NichtZutreffend
Lagerort: Schlafzimmer
Marke: Markenlos
MitGebrauchsanleitung: Nein
Multiplayer: Nein
OnlineSpielbar: Nein
Plattform: NES
Regionalcode: PAL
Regionalcode-Detail: PALB
Spielname: N/A
Sport-Subgenre: NichtZutreffend
USK-Einstufung: USK0
Gumshoe is a video game developed and published by Nintendo for the NES and released in 1986 in North America and on June 15, 1988, in Europe. Gumshoe is played using the NES Zapper. The game was designed by Yoshio Sakamoto.
Mr. Stevenson walks continuously to the right, and will jump if shot with the NES Zapper. The player must also shoot enemies as they appear on screen. Shooting Mr. Stevenson to make him jump will not subtract from the player's ammunition. Shooting obstacles, or an empty area, however, will subtract one bullet from the total. Having Mr. Stevenson grab red balloons will add bullets. (Quelle: Wikipedia)
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